
学修 担当:森

May I come in?

This weekend, students who passed the first stage of Eiken will have a speaking test. For this test, they practiced speaking after school today.Before they began, they watched the video which shows the flow of the 2nd stage of Eiken.
You know about this movie? The thing is, it was made by teachers in Kyoso Junior and Senior high school! Watching the movie makes students imagine the flow of the day easily. Based on that, they tried to practice today.Many of them have never experienced the 2nd stage. So, one student said, “I feel so nervous.” After he finished, however, he told me Thank you very much! with a big smile. He continued reading the memos he took and reviewing them even though he finished practicing.

I wish all of you good luck with the test!


今週末、英検の一次試験に合格した生徒たちは面接試験を受験します。この試験のために今日の放課後、生徒たちは面接練習に臨みました。練習を始める前に、生徒たちは面接試験の概要を説明した映像を見ました。この映像は本校の先生方が出演しています。 映像を見ることで生徒たちは試験の流れを簡単に把握することができ、これをもとに今日の練習に臨むことができました。多くの生徒たちにとって、今回が初めて臨む面接試験です。そのため生徒たちの中には緊張の色が隠せない人もいました。練習を終え、安心した表情で「ありがとうございます!」と言ってくれた後も、メモを見返していました。
