2. Academics
  3. The Faculty of Human Environmental Studies

The Faculty of Human Environmental Studies

The Department of Human Environmental Studies

Fostering people who can contribute to creating a sustainable society

Field of Study

During the twentieth century, while human beings have benefited from the development of science and technology, we have exhausted so many natural resources through mass-production, mass consumption and mass-waste that the survival of the earth is now threatened. The courses in this Department cover multi-disciplinary fields such as society, culture, economics, politics, nature and law in order to re-examine this society of mass-consumption and propose a new model of society for the twenty-first century. In order to build a new relationship between humans and the environment, such an ethical system is vital.


The Department of Human Environmental Studies expects students to acquire the ability to think not only about small matters in their daily lives but also big global issues. Students learn how to analyze problems carefully from many different perspectives and propose practical solutions. The course is useful for students who want to work in an environment-related department in industry or in government, or to teach or write about the environment, or to work in an NPO or NGO.

Models of Degree Programs

Program which Emphasizes Social Environment
The course focuses on various kinds of environmental problems in our daily life and students learn about environmental education planning, environmental communication, and the relationship between the environment and style. The course is useful for students who want to work in our lifestyles education, the massmedia or an NPO or NGO.

Program which Emphasizes Environmental Policy and Management
The course focuses on environment policy and management for the twenty first century and students learn about strategic environmental management, economic evaluation of environment and international and regional environmental policies. The course is useful for students who want to work in an environment-related department in local government or in industry.