2. About HSU
  3. Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations

The Undergraduate Program

Admission Requirements

Hiroshima Shudo University’s admission requirements are similar to those of national universities in Japan. To be admitted to the University, applicants must pass an entrance examination. Applicants who sit for the entrance examination are required to satisfy one of the following requirements:
  1. Graduation from senior high school.
  2. Completion of either 12 years of education or its equivalent as recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho).
  3. Special authorization from Monbukagakusho.
  4. Qualification by a matriculation examination approved by Monbukagakusho.
  5. Recognition by the University as having scholastic ability equivalent or superior to a senior high school graduate.
International students are required to (a) submit their Japanese language score achieved in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students and (b) take a written examination and be interviewed in January.

Academic Regulations (subject to change)

International students are eligible to apply for Reduction of Tuition.

The Faculty of Commercial Sciences

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 780,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,220,000 yen

The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences: The Department of sociology and The Department of English

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 780,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,220,000 yen

The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences: The Department of Education

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 810,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,250,000 yen

The Faculty of Law

Entrance Fee
220,000 yen
Tuition 780,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,220,000 yen

The Faculty of Economic Sciences: The Department of Contemporary Economics

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 780,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance
220,000 yen
Total 1,220,000 yen

The Faculty of Economic Sciences: The Department of Economic Informatics

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 810,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,250,000 yen

The Faculty of Human Environmental Studies

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 780,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,220,000 yen

The Faculty of Health Sciences: The Department of Psychology

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 820,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,260,000 yen

The Faculty of Health Sciences: The Department of Health and Nutrition

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 900,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,340,000 yen

The Faculty of Global and Community Studies

Entrance Fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 780,000 yen
Equipment and Maintenance 220,000 yen
Total 1,220,000 yen

The Graduate Program

Admission Requirements

Applicants who sit for the entrance examinations are required to satisfy one of the following requirements:
  1. Graduation from a university.
  2. Completion of either 16 years of education or its equivalent as recognized by Monbukagakusho.
  3. Recognition by the University as having scholastic ability equivalent or superior to a university graduate.
International students are required to (a) submit their Japanese language score achieved in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students and (b) take a written examination and be interviewed in March or September.

Academic Regulations (subject to change)

International students are eligible to apply for Reduction of Tuition.

The Faculty of Commercial Sciences Graduate School

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 490,000 yen
Total 710,000 yen

The Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences Graduate School

Sociology Course/ Education Course/ English Literature Course

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 490,000 yen
Total 710,000 yen

Psychology Course Doctoral Program Psychology

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 630,000 yen
Total 850,000 yen

Psychology Course Doctoral Program Clinical Psychology

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 670,000 yen
Total 890,000 yen

The Faculty of Law Graduate School

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 490,000 yen
Total 710,000 yen

The Faculty of Economic Sciences Graduate School

Contemporary Economic System Course Doctoral Program

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 490,000 yen
Total 710,000 yen

Economic Information Course Master's Program

Entrance fee 220,000 yen
Tuition 520,000 yen
Total 740,000 yen

Short-Term Research Students

Students with specific research projects may be admitted in order to pursue their research.

Fees(subject to change)

Entrance Examination Fee 15,000 yen
Entrance Fee 65,000 yen
Course Fee (per year) Undergraduate 390,000~450,000 yen
Course Fee (per year) Graduate 245,000~335,000 yen


Credits and Internal Examinations

Credits are awarded based on the results of the University examinations. Examinations are held at the end of both semesters or at the end of the academic year, depending upon the subject. Depending on the subject, one or two credits are awarded for each semester of fifteen 90-minute classes.


You can to scroll sideways to see the whole table.

AA passing grade 90-100
A passing grade 80-89
B passing grade 70-79
C passing grade 60-69
D failing grade(no credit given) 59 and below

Conditions of Graduation

A student who has been at the University for a minimum period of four years and who has acquired the necessary credits will be granted a degree from the University. The initial degrees offered at Hiroshima Shudo University are the degrees of Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Sociology, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Economic Sciences, Bachelor of Human Environmental Studies, Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Nutrition, Bachelor of Global Politics and Bachelor of Regional Administration.

Lecture Time Table

You can to scroll sideways to see the whole table.

  Undergraduate Postgraduate
1st 9:00-10:30 9:00-10:30
2nd 10:45-12:15 10:45-12:15
3rd 13:05-14:35 13:05-14:35
4th 14:50-16:20 14:50-16:20 
5th 16:30-18:00 16:30-18:00
6th - 18:30-20:00
7th - 20:05-21:35