LRC×英会話同好会合同企画「クリスマスパーティー」2日目です。中高生とマット先生、アマンダ先生が製作した「wishing tree(願いの木)」を、LRC(図書館)前に展示しました。生徒たちは、それぞれの願い事をマット先生や英会話同好会顧問の片江先生に質問しながら英語で書きました。中学生も高校生も、お手製のオーナメントを創り、クリスマスの文化を学びながら楽しい時間を過ごしました。色とりどりのオーナメントに書かれた願いが、叶いますように!
Thank you for coming to the Kyoso Christmas Party. It was a good chance to learn about your future wishes. I really hope all of your wishes come true! (Maybe Santa will bring us all good luck this year? ) The wishing tree we made together will be in the LRC. There everyone can enjoy your cool ornament designs. Please stay safe and warm this winter holiday. To the 3rd year students: Study hard for your exams, you can do it! Until next time, Happy Holidays and よいお年を!
Matthew Thome
Thank you for coming to the Kyoso Christmas Party. It was a good chance to learn about your future wishes. I really hope all of your wishes come true! (Maybe Santa will bring us all good luck this year? ) The wishing tree we made together will be in the LRC. There everyone can enjoy your cool ornament designs. Please stay safe and warm this winter holiday. To the 3rd year students: Study hard for your exams, you can do it! Until next time, Happy Holidays and よいお年を!
Matthew Thome